VETERAN (Vet-er-an):
*A person who wrote a Blank Check payable to the United States of America for an amount up to, and including, One’s own life.*
The Veteran Voices project is a multifaceted initiative designed to honor and highlight the stories of special men and women who served in the United States Armed Forces. This project includes a printed book, a dedicated website, video interviews, podcasts, and social media publications, all aimed at showcasing the bravery, dedication, and contributions of our local veterans.
The Book:
This exclusive book features many veterans, each page offering a brief background and story of who they are, complemented by a QR code that links to their full video interview.
The book celebrates those who volunteered to wear the uniform, illustrating their diverse experiences from stories of valor and long-term military careers to tales of short service periods followed by significant community involvement.
Our Heroes:
We believe that every individual who has donned a uniform, sacrificed their family life, and risked harm or death to protect our freedoms deserves the title of “HERO.” These heroes live among us, contributing to our communities in various ways. The stories in this project range from those of combat and extraordinary bravery to narratives of veterans who returned to civilian life to start families and businesses, thereby enriching our communities.
Community Support:
The Veteran Voices project is entirely funded by donations and sponsorships from local businesses. This support reflects the community’s respect and appreciation for the veterans who live and work among us, frequenting our stores, markets, restaurants, and coffee shops.
Our Commitment:
We undertake this project with immense pride and admiration for all those who have sworn to defend our Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. The Veteran Voices project aims to give a platform to our veterans, ensuring their stories are heard and remembered.
This is where we get to hear our Veteran’s Voices.

Veteran Voices is simultaneously available across multiple platforms

(727) 408-2138